Introducing Sensual Sunday

Introducing Sensual Sunday, a weekly release of powerful practices and inspiration to help you ignite your most sensual self.

I realised some time ago that I'd lost my vitality and creative juiciness. The river had run dry and I thought 'is this really it?'.

My libido had checked out.

I felt disconnected to my body, intuition and heart.

Surely it didn’t need to be this way?

I'm on a journey to reignite my fire and from the interactions with, albeit mostly women, I realised others feel the same. Surely we can all call forth change RIGHT?

Yes. Yes we can.

I view sensuality as the art of expressing myself via my senses in a way that makes me feel embodied, powerful and deeply connected to something larger than just little old me.

Every Sunday I'm going to share with you slices of inspiration from music, through to sensual practices, poetry and more. If you're with me let me know below!

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