feminine flow

reconnect to your body & sensuality.


feminine flow - changing seasons

I’m glad you’re here.

I’m brewing the next iteration of Feminine Flow, to be released this winter.

There will be live online yoga classes, recorded meditations and teachings about the weekly theme, journaling questions and community. I love being able to hold classes for those of you in different countries or who can't attend my live ones.

If you’d like to be put on the waitlist please place your details below.

kind words about feminine flow

“Alice's classes are such a heartwarming treat and help me again and again to reconnect to my feminine and to feel really good and sexy in my body ❤️” - Martina

"Alice's Feminine Flow classes are sensual, beautiful and powerful. It really is a perfect way to start your day. The classes are nurturing with thought provoking journaling prompts and the specially music chosen by Alice creates this beautiful space to connect to your body and the other women in the class. I feel delicious and amazing after the classes. <3 x" - Kate

about alice

It is a great honour to create offerings for those who identify as women. I am blown away by the courage and vulnerability of those I hold space for. In my life I’ve experienced significant moments of feeling deeply disconnected from my body. I wanted to punish myself and disappear but I gradually learnt that self-love was the way forward. When I started to listen to the wisdom of my body I was in awe at the messages she was telling me.

My spiritual practices ground and connect me to this beautiful universe. I find so much joy in dance, yoga, meditation and daily doses of nature. You can read more about my qualifications here.

kind words about my teaching

“You literally changed my life. It's such a blessing for me to meet you and receive what you're giving to the world, which is amazingly precious work.” - Kana

“I love the energy Alice creates in her Goddess Hour, every time she throws in something new to connect to our femininity. Sensual movement, amazing playlists, some yoga, essential oils, oracle cards. She inspires to surrender and go within by giving the example herself basically!” - Kitty

“Thank you for your beautiful classes Alice . Always guaranteed to make me feel good.” - Rena

a little taste of feminine flow yoga