Be Kind To Yourself

We're in the midst of the festive season and with that can come a plethora of pressure to party, eat, drink and be merry. Quickly followed by messages telling you to undo all that fun stuff and turn into a whole new you once the clock strikes 12 at midnight on the 31st of December. It can be confusing, I know. There can be a good dose of self-administered punishment and guilt around this time of year (at other times of course too). So I just wanted to write this as a friendly voice and say 'be kind to yourself'. If you're feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment then here are six tips for you.

1. You Are Not Your Thoughts

Thoughts can be overwhelming and seemingly very over powering. Remember that you are more than the sum of your thoughts and that they will pass. If your mind feels a little overloaded then try writing them down as part of a letting go process, remembering that they do not control you.

2. Take Time To Breathe & Pause

Have you tried spending a few minutes sitting in stillness? When we give ourselves the space to be present with our breath we can start to recognise how fleeting our thoughts can be and also how many we have! Try sitting or lying down comfortably drawing your attention to each deep inhale and. If your mind drifts then gently draw it back to the breath. Once you start to notice the thoughts come and go you can start to see how they can shift.

3. Stop The Punishment & 'Bad' Talk

We all eat and drink more than 'usual' at this time of year. We are all allowed to enjoy our food and drink. You have every right to enjoy what you consume and not feel guilty about it, remember this.

4. Talk To Those You Love

If you're feeling a little stuck in your head then chat to your loved ones. Can you share your thoughts with them and air your feelings? Be mindful if conversation steers towards 'diet' chat. Pull it back to something that feels more constructive.

5. Do More Of What Makes You Feel Good

Write down what makes you feel good; mentally, physically and emotionally. Can you do something of your list over the next few days? For me that's having a chat with my friends and family and doing some gentle yoga.

6. Be Conscious Of The Messages You're Seeing

We are about to hit a time when all the 'new year, new you' stuff comes out. There will be a lot of diet chat. Just because it's a new year doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you. Personally I find the pressure to have to change something just because it's a new year a little bit much. Why not do the things that make you feel good when you want to, on your own time scale. If you feel sucked into messages that don't make you feel good about yourself then turn them off. Put down your phone, stop following those people and tune into YOU.

If you need to talk to someone about your eating disorder this Christmas please reach out to BEAT.

Take care and look after yourself.

Love Alicexx