This Body at 27

"I am not this body, I am not this mind" was a mantra I repeated whilst staying at the Sivananda Ashram in Kerala, India.  I always liked to ponder on what it would be like to not be attached to the physical and mental sides of ourselves.But here I am aged 27 amazed at how much my body can change. This body is resilient as a wall and I've put it through a few challenges and it's been good to me. Yet now I start to begrudge my greying hair (yeah it's happening), my love handles and sometimes my body dissatisfaction. As a body confidence campaigner I won't list all my qualms about said body but nor will I pretend I have a perfect relationship with it.It surprises me how my perception of my body can change weekly.  Sometimes I notice niggles and feel down on myself. Then a girlfriend will comment on how great my legs look and suddenly all seems rosier.  I try to push through those rubbish days when a skirt doesn't fit how it used to. Does it really matter if my hips are a little wider? Was I any happier when they were smaller? I don't believe so no.  I've noticed patterns in body dissatisfaction and the monthly cycle when it becomes particularly bad and thus my attitude to my body takes a nose dive.  Three days later and suddenly I've forgotten what I was moaning about.So if you're feeling down on how you look remember it's a temporary state and try to look for patterns in attitudes and feelings. I know I feel better if I practice Bikram or run, it not only lifts my spirits but the endorphins rush around and life and thus my body seem happier!